Occupational Medicine
River Valley Therapy offers expertise in On-Site Job Analysis, Ergonomic Assessment, Injury Prevention, Employee Training, Pre-employment Screening, Functional Capacity Evaluations, and Return To Work Programs. Our staff is dedicated to getting you back to work as soon as possible. We communicate closely with various industries and physicians to provide the most efficient care.
Job Site Analysis
The Job Site Analysis is a useful tool for employers to prevent workers' compensation injuries or accommodate an existing injury. This is accomplished by evaluating the employee's work area to determine if it is ergonomically correct. Job site analysis can also be used to determine a causal relationship between an employee's injury and their work demands.
A job site analysis typically includes the following:
- Interview with treating doctor, case manager or adjuster to establish medical history
- Interview on-site with employee's supervisor or manager
- An on-site overview of the employee's work area
- Objective data such as measurements and physical demand is gathered
- Body mechanics are recorded
- In-depth analysis of all data collected
A practical job description is developed for each job, based on observations of each of the tasks performed for that job. Each task is broken down into measurable components of sitting, standing, kneeling, reaching, bending, etc. In addition, risk factors (i.e., repetition, force, awkward posture) are measured for each task. A written report and chart are completed to accompany each job. This can be utilized in the hiring process to identify qualifications and applicants' accommodation needs. It is also a useful guide in developing goals for returning an injured employee to work.
Work Hardening
Work hardening is a highly structured, goal-oriented, individualized treatment program involving simulated and/or actual work tasks designed to maximize an individual's capability to return to work. Work hardening is indicated for injured employees recovering from musculoskeletal and neurological disorders to help improve the employee's performance skill level through education and activity. The program also helps to increase strength and flexibility through exercise and work simulation resulting in meeting physical critical job demands. Since a work hardening program is designed to simulate real work conditions, most programs will be set up for 4-hour sessions. The length of a program will vary depending on the severity of the injury and how well progress is made in returning to work.